How to Backstitch on Brother Sewing Machine

How to Backstitch on Brother Sewing Machine

How to Backstitch on Brother Sewing Machine

Backstitching is a sewing technique that involves stitching backward and forward over the same line of stitches to secure them and prevent them from unraveling. It is an essential skill for any sewist to master as it strengthens the seam and helps to avoid fraying or unraveling of the fabric. Backstitching is particularly important for sewing projects that will be subjected to stress, such as seams on clothing, bags, or other items.

In this outline, we will discuss how to backstitch on a Brother sewing machine, which is a popular brand of sewing machine used by many sewists around the world. By following these steps, you can ensure that your sewing projects are strong and durable and that your stitches will not come undone over time.

Materials required for backstitching

The materials required for backstitching on a Brother sewing machine are:

Sewing machine:

 A Brother sewing machine that is in good working condition.

Needle and thread:

Choose a needle and thread appropriate for your fabric. A universal needle in size 12 or 14 is generally suitable for most fabrics, and a thread that matches your fabric and is strong enough to withstand the stress of backstitching.


The fabric that you want to backstitch on.


A pair of sharp scissors for cutting thread and fabric.

Ruler or measuring tape:

Measure and mark your fabric.

Seam ripper: 

In case you make a mistake and need to remove stitches.

By having these materials on hand, you can ensure that you have everything you need to backstitch effectively on your Brother sewing machine.

Preparing the Machine for Backstitching

Before you begin backstitching on your Brother sewing machine, it is essential to prepare the machine for the task. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Choosing the right needle and thread

Select a needle and thread appropriate for your fabric. Generally, a size 12 or 14 universal needle is suitable for most fabrics, but if you are working with a heavier fabric, you may need a larger needle. Choose a thread that matches your fabric and is strong enough to withstand the stress of backstitching.

Threading the machine

Follow the threading instructions in your machine manual to ensure that your machine is threaded correctly. Make sure that your bobbin is also loaded with thread and inserted correctly.

Setting the stitch length

Set your stitch length to 2.5 or 3mm, depending on the fabric you are using. This length is ideal for backstitching as it is long enough to secure the stitches but not so long that they become loose or weak.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your Brother sewing machine is properly set up for backstitching, which will make the process easier and more effective.

Backstitching Technique

How to Backstitch on Brother Sewing Machine

Once your Brother sewing machine is set up, you can begin backstitching by following these steps:

Sewing forward

Begin sewing your seam as usual, using a straight stitch. Sew for a few stitches, then stop with the needle down in the fabric.

Reverse stitching

Press the reverse button on your machine or turn the handwheel in the opposite direction to sew in reverse over the stitches you just made. Continue sewing backward for a few stitches, then stop with the needle down in the fabric.

Sewing backward

Turn the fabric around and sew forward over the same line of stitches, making sure to keep the fabric straight and the stitches aligned. Sew for a few stitches, then stop with the needle down in the fabric.

Stopping and tying off the thread

Once you have sewn the desired length of your seam, stop sewing and leave the needle down in the fabric. Lift the presser foot and pull the fabric towards you, leaving a long tail of thread. Cut the thread, leaving a tail of about 4-6 inches. Tie the two ends of the thread together in a knot close to the fabric to secure the seam.

By following these steps, you can master the backstitching technique on your Brother sewing machine. Remember to take your time and practice on scrap fabric until you feel confident in your skills. With practice and patience, you can create strong and durable seams that will last for years to come.

Tips for good backstitching 

To help you achieve the best results when backstitching on your Brother sewing machine, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Keeping a steady pace: Try to keep a steady pace as you sew forward and backward over the same line of stitches. This will help you to maintain even stitches and prevent them from becoming too tight or too loose.
  2. Maintaining tension: Make sure to maintain proper tension on your thread as you sew. If the tension is too loose, your stitches will be uneven and may come undone. If the tension is too tight, the fabric may pucker or gather. Adjust the tension as needed until your stitches are even and balanced.
  3. Practicing on scrap fabric: Before you start a new sewing project, practice backstitching on scrap fabric. This will help you to get used to the technique and adjust your machine settings as needed before you begin working on your final project.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can improve your backstitching skills on your Brother sewing machine and create strong and durable seams that will stand the test of time.

Simple Steps

Here are some simple and precise steps on how to backstitch on a Brother sewing machine:

  1. Begin by lowering the presser foot on your Brother sewing machine and aligning the fabric under the needle.
  2. Start sewing forward by pressing down on the foot pedal or pressing the start/stop button.
  3. After sewing a few stitches forward, press the reverse button or lever on your Brother sewing machine to sew in the opposite direction over the same stitches.
  4. Continue sewing in reverse for a few stitches, then release the reverse button or lever and resume sewing forward.
  5. Sew to the end of your seam, then press the reverse button or lever again to backstitch over the last few stitches.
  6. Release the reverse button or lever and sew forward a few more stitches to finish the seam.
  7. Lift up the presser foot and eliminate the fabric from the sewing machine.

Sewing machine suggestion

To perform backstitching, you need a sewing machine that has the capability to sew a straight stitch forward and backward. Almost all sewing machines, including Brother sewing machines, have this capability, so any sewing machine that has a straight stitch function can be used for backstitching. The Brother sewing machine models that are suitable for backstitching include

  1. Brother CS5055PRW
  2. Brother XR9550PRW
  3. Brother HC1850, among others.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is backstitching?

Backstitching is a sewing technique where you sew a few stitches forward, then sew over those same stitches in reverse to secure them in place.

Why is backstitching important?

Backstitching is important because it helps to strengthen the beginning and end of a seam and prevents it from unraveling. It also provides a neat and professional finish to your sewing project.

Can I backstitch on any sewing machine?

Yes, most sewing machines, including Brother sewing machines, have the capability to backstitch. Just make sure to refer to your machine manual for instructions on how to use this function.

What type of stitch is used for backstitching?

A straight stitch is used for backstitching.

How many stitches should I backstitch?

It’s recommended to backstitch for 2-4 stitches at the beginning and end of a seam to secure it in place.

Is it necessary to backstitch on every seam?

While it’s not necessary to backstitch on every seam, it’s a good practice to do so for stronger and more durable seams.

How do I adjust the tension for backstitching?

Refer to your sewing machine manual for instructions on how to adjust the tension. In general, a tension of 3-5 is suitable for most fabrics.

Can I backstitch by hand?

Yes, you can backstitch by hand using a needle and thread. Simply sew a few stitches forward, then sew over those same stitches in reverse to secure them in place. Repeat the process till the point you reach the end of the seam.


In conclusion, backstitching is an important sewing technique that helps to secure the beginning and end of a seam, prevent it from unraveling, and provide a neat and professional finish to your sewing project. To backstitch on a Brother sewing machine, you need to prepare the machine by choosing the right needle and thread, threading the machine, and setting the stitch length. Then, you can perform the backstitching technique by sewing forward, reverse stitching, sewing backward, and stopping and tying off the thread. By following the tips and practicing on scrap fabric, you can improve your backstitching skills and create strong and durable seams that will stand the test of time.

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