Why does my sewing machine skip stitches?

Why does my sewing machine skip stitches?

Why does my sewing machine skip stitches?

When a sewing machine skips stitches, it can be frustrating and disruptive to the sewing process. This problem occurs when the machine fails to create a stitch in a consistent manner, resulting in uneven or incomplete stitches. There are several potential causes for skipped stitches, but they can generally be attributed to issues with the machine’s mechanics or the way it is being used. In this response, we will explore the common causes of skipped stitches and offer solutions for addressing them.

Common causes of skipped stitches

Here are some common causes of skipped stitches in a sewing machine:

Improper threading

Improper threading is one of the common causes of skipped stitches in a sewing machine. When the machine is not threaded correctly, the thread may not pass through the tension discs or the needle properly, causing the needle to miss stitches. To prevent this issue, it’s important to follow the threading instructions provided in the machine’s manual carefully. Always make sure the thread passes through all the necessary components, such as the tension discs, take-up lever, and needle, and that the thread is correctly positioned in the needle’s eye.

Dull or bent needle

Another common cause of skipped stitches in a sewing machine is a dull or bent needle. A dull needle can’t penetrate the fabric properly, causing it to skip stitches. Similarly, a bent needle can’t create a straight stitch and may cause the machine to miss stitches. To prevent this issue, it’s important to replace the needle regularly, especially if you use the machine frequently or are working with thick or heavy fabrics. Use the correct needle size for the fabric you are working with, and always insert the needle correctly, with the flat side facing the back of the machine. If you notice the needle is bent, replace it immediately to avoid further damage to the machine or fabric.

Incorrect needle size

Using the incorrect needle size is another common cause of skipped stitches in a sewing machine. The needle’s size should match the weight and type of fabric you are working with. If the needle is too small or too large, it can cause the thread to break or skip stitches. A needle that’s too small may not be able to penetrate thicker fabrics, while a needle that’s too large can create larger holes in the fabric, leading to skipped stitches. To prevent this issue, always use the correct needle size for the fabric you are working with. Check the machine’s manual for recommendations or consult with a sewing expert if you are unsure.

Tension issues

Tension problems can cause skipped stitches. The tension mechanism controls the amount of thread that passes through the machine, and if it’s not adjusted correctly, it can cause the machine to skip stitches. If the tension is too tight, it can cause the thread to break or snap, while if it’s too loose, it can cause the machine to miss stitches. To prevent this issue, it’s important to adjust the tension correctly. Start by checking the thread and needle to make sure they are appropriate for the fabric you are working with. Then, adjust the tension gradually until you achieve the desired result. Check the machine’s manual for instructions on how to adjust the tension if necessary.

Bobbin issues

If the bobbin is not inserted correctly or is wound too tightly or too loosely, it can cause the machine to skip stitches. The bobbin should be inserted correctly and securely into the bobbin case, with the thread unwinding in the correct direction. If the bobbin thread is too tight, it can cause the needle to break or the thread to snap, while if it’s too loose, it can cause the machine to miss stitches. To prevent this issue, always make sure the bobbin is inserted correctly and that the thread tension is adjusted appropriately. Check the machine’s manual for instructions on how to adjust the bobbin tension if necessary. 

Dirt or lint build-up in the machine

Dirt or lint build-up in the machine also contributes its part in skipped stitches. Over time, dust, lint, and other debris can accumulate in the machine, clogging the needle and other parts, and causing the machine to skip stitches. To prevent this issue, it’s important to clean the machine regularly. Start by removing the needle plate and using a small brush to remove any dust or debris. You can also use a lint roller or compressed air to clean hard-to-reach areas. Clean the machine after every project and have it serviced by a professional at least once a year to ensure it’s working at its best.

Solutions to fix skipped stitches

Why does my sewing machine skip stitches?

Here are some solutions to fix skipped stitches in a sewing machine:

Rethread the machine

Start by rethreading the machine, making sure to follow the correct threading path. This can often resolve the issue of skipped stitches caused by improper threading.

Replace the needle

If the needle is dull, bent or the wrong size, replace it with a new needle that is appropriate for the fabric being used.

Use the correct needle size

Make sure to use the correct needle size for the fabric being used. Using a needle that is too small or too large can cause tension issues and skipped stitches.

Adjust the tension

Check the upper and lower thread tension settings and adjust them if necessary. Experiment with different settings until you find the correct tension for the fabric being used.

Check the bobbin

Make sure the bobbin is properly inserted and that the thread is correctly wound around the bobbin. Check the bobbin case for any debris or damage.

Clean the machine

Clean the machine regularly to remove any dirt or lint build-up. Use a small brush or vacuum attachment to remove debris from the bobbin case, needle plate, and other areas of the machine.

By following these solutions, you can often resolve the issue of skipped stitches and ensure that your sewing machine is functioning properly.

Tips for preventing skipped stitches

Here are some tips for preventing skipped stitches in a sewing machine:

Use high-quality thread

Low-quality thread can break or cause tension issues, which can result in skipped stitches. Use high-quality thread that is appropriate for the fabric being used.

Change the needle frequently

A dull or bent needle can cause skipped stitches. Change the needle frequently, especially when sewing through tough materials.

Avoid sewing over pins

Sewing over pins can cause the needle to bend or break, which can lead to skipped stitches. Remove pins as you sew to prevent this issue.

Use the appropriate fabric and needle combination

Make sure to use the appropriate needle size and type for the fabric being used. For example, a heavy-duty needle may be needed for thick fabrics like denim.

Keep the machine clean and well-maintained

Regularly clean the machine and oil it as needed. This will help to prevent debris build-up and ensure that the machine is functioning properly.

By following these tips, you can help to prevent skipped stitches in your sewing machine and achieve more professional-looking results in your sewing projects.


To sum up, there are various reasons for skipped stitches in a sewing machine like improper threading, needle-related problems, tension, bobbin, and dirt build-up. Nevertheless, resolving this problem is possible through techniques like rethreading, changing needles, adjusting tension, checking the bobbin, and cleaning the machine. Additionally, tips such as using good quality thread, replacing needles regularly, avoiding sewing over pins, and keeping the machine in good condition can prevent skipped stitches and ensure successful sewing results. By implementing these solutions and tips, one can achieve a better outcome in sewing projects while maintaining the sewing machine’s efficiency.

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